Course Duration- 4 to 5 Weeks
Cost- $11,000.00 Including GST and 2 SGI Practical Exams
Total of 121.5 Hours of Training
47hrs In Class (MELT)
57hrs In Cab (39hrs Driving, 18hrs Backing)
17.5hrs In-Yard (Pre-Trip, Airbrake, Coupling)
The use of one of our Trucks for Training and Examinations are included in the course
Atleast 18 years old and a graduated Class 5 Learners License
- Current Drivers Medical Report
- Complete required exams at your local SGI office (Basic drivers,Sign test,Class 1,2,3,4 endorsements and Air brake)
- Eye Exam Completed at SGI

Training program
Course Duration- Mon-Fri (40 Hours)
Cost- $3600.00 Including GST and 2 SGI Practical Exams
4hrs In Class (Intro to Airbrake and Pre-Trip Inspection)
5hrs of Practical Training focused on learning/practicing circle checks and the practical air test.
20hrs of Practical Training behind the wheel
11hrs of Observation
The use of one of our Trucks for Training and Examinations are included in the course
- Graduated Class 5 License
- Complete required exams at your local SGI office (Basic drivers,Sign test,Class 1,2,3,4 endorsements and Air brake)
- Current Drivers Medical Report

Training Program
Air Brake
Cost- $600.00 Including GST and 2 SGI Examinations
Course Durations- 6hrs taught over 2 days. Mornings or Afternoons depending on schedule
This course is designed for students who want to obtain only their airbrake endorsement certification. The written Air Brake exam must be completed through SGI testing office before course enrolment
The course consists of both in-class knowledge and practical hands-on instruction.
Road Exams (Practical Exams)
Road exams are based on whether the student has met all the requirements set forth by
*Road exams are not guaranteed.
All exams & retests are booked at the
discretion of Precision Driver Training. The Class 1A Mandatory Course includes two attempts at the road exam provided students have met the required
passing grade on all classes and practical modules. Both attempts at the road exam
and use of tractor/trailer are included in your course tuition.
Meet Precisions’s Skilled & Knowledgeable Instructors!

Owner/Operator/Senior Instructor
Ian Knakoske
22 Years Driving Experience
3 Years Instructing
Tankers, Flat Deck, Super B’s and Heavy Haul.

Certified Instructor
Tony Newton
42 Years Driving Experience
1.5 Years Instructing
Vans/Reefers, Tanks, Flat Deck, Super B’s, Turn Pikes and Heavy Haul.

Certified Instructor
Stan Nestrovich
21yrs Driving Experience
1 Year Instructing
Hauled Reefer Dry Van Super B Decks & Grain Wagons Flatbed Step Deck & RGN 7 & 8 Axle Combinations.